Our quizzes are very easy to play by using our reliable Plug & Play system. We can provide our Quizzzit-box, which will be delivered two days before the intended playdate of the quiz. This box will include a laptop, the wireless voting pads and a brief manual.
We already installed the selected quiz on the provided laptop. This laptop can easily be connected to a TV or projector on site. The included quizmasters remote control can be used to play and present the quiz without too much effort.
Our Do-It-Yourself option is primarily intended for quizzes with somewhat smaller groups. Like pubs, associations, family parties, campsites and other organized events.
And there is always the possibility to add some self-made questions to our quizzes. We can include them in the quiz if you send them to Quizzzit in advance.

Entry-level price €295 excluding VAT and shipping costs (20 voting pads)